Skeletal System
The skeletal system is the body’s structure that protects the body’s internal organs and soft tissue. For instance, the skull protects the brain, the sternum and rib cage protects the heart and lungs, and the vertebral column protects the spine. The skeletal system works closely with the muscular system to provide body movement and stability. Muscles attach to the bone in a manner that allows a person to have control over their posture and their movements, such as walking, standing, sitting, and crawling. A person is born with approximately 300 bones, but by the time they become adults are left with 206 bones, since some bones have merged and grown together.
Massage assists the skeletal system in the following ways:
improves posture
facilitates body alignment
improves stiff joints
reduces inflammation
increases range of motion
relaxes tight muscles and tendons
improves soreness and fatigue
increases flexibility
reduces the number of and intensity of muscle spasms
improves muscle tone
facilitates mineral retention
Massage is also thought to assist during the injury healing phase, some injuries that may benefit from massage are:
muscle strains
ligament sprains